marriage counseling in Hatboro

Seeing the Truth About Pornography and Sexual Fantasy

Seeing the Truth About Pornography and Sexual Fantasy

Porn doesn’t care about you or the people involved in producing it. It cares about making money and keeping you hooked and it is very good at doing both. It wants you to love pleasure while also feeling worse and worse about yourself and your life. It wants you to judge others and find them wanting and to embrace ideals of physical beauty and sexual behavior. It doesn’t want you to look beneath the surface or to think about what it takes to create porn or keep the industry going.

When You Reach for Your Husband and He’s Not There

When You Reach for Your Husband and He’s Not There

Does it feel like every time you try to engage your partner about something that is on your mind, he disappears, withdraws, or pulls away? It feels like you never talk to each other and you never connect about things that are important to you. When you do bring things up, you are often left feeling invalidated and misunderstood. You want to know what he’s thinking, feeling, and going through, but you’re often just left guessing. You want to enjoy his company and know that he enjoys you! You know he is a strong, resilient, and hardworking man who would do anything for you and your family, but when things get difficult it feels like you can’t reach him. He might get quiet, angry, defensive, or go into fix-it mode, but the result is the same no matter what: you feel alone and like your spouse is unavailable to you.