Today we explore a second reason why being present can be so challenging- we don’t know how to do it! I’ll unpack where this skill deficit comes from and suggest a couple ideas for how we can begin to learn. We’ll see that the starting point is acknowledging that relationships and intimacy are important, something that we either devalue or completely have off our radar as men.
Being in a Hurry Might Not Actually Work
Telling someone that anything is going to be slow usually means they’ve already moved on and will find someone who can do it faster. But the longer I’ve done this work, the more clear it’s become- change is generally a slow process. And it’s not just that change in therapy is slow, many other aspects of life also seem to be slow. Why is this?
Counseling Expectations
If you are thinking about starting counseling or have questions about how therapy works, it is helpful to have some background knowledge about what helps you have a positive counseling experience. Your mindset going into counseling and the relationship the therapist builds with you are both key ingredients.